2012 m. gegužės 29 d., antradienis

Chapter 13
Deep magic for the dawn of time
 White Witch bound the Edmund in dark valley. Edmund was forget that he is hungry and thirsty. The Witch and the dwarf were talking close beside Edmund in low tones. Then the wolfs come back and said that one of the sons of Adam killed my captain, Maugrim. Then Witch was very angry and commanded to summon all our people to meet as speedily as they can. Then Edmund heard sound like whizzz whizz whizzz and he realized that sound is of a knife being sharpened. Children later felt stron hands around him. Later then they went to the camp Aslan talked with Edmund. He feel like fool and started apologize for all.Then Aslan came to the stone table to met with Witch and they talked about different topics and one was about deep magic. She said that they had a traitor.All creatures was waiting. About ten minutes later the Aslan said you can all come back. She renounced the claim on your brother's blood.   

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